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Hey, sup? This is my tight webpage and I hope you'll like it. When it's all done with, it'll be the tightest page on the web, so don't even deny it. Um yeah...well for now, it's under construction...
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A Dream Come True |

My tongue is tied to a dream of being with you |

Epitome of perfection... |

I'll write "sincerely yours" and sign my name |
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What's Goin Down?
4/28/03: Today I was soooo exhausted because I worked for eight hours yesterday. I was like dead up until lunch. Lunch is always the best. I pulled out my 14 sharpies and April drew me a lovely picture with them. Then when Jason went to sleep she was coloring his hair and made dots with each color on the back of his ear and we took a picture. It was great. Then I had to go to Erynn's after school and she was there so we talked and it was fun. Now I'm home and working on this, so yeah. Tomorrow's my birthday and I'm excited and I'm getting my tongue pierced! WOOHOOOOOOOOO!
If you have any complaints, suggestions, or comments email me at sighcotikitty@yahoo.com or IM me at PrttyonthaNside7